Thursday, March 11, 2010

Can a Stay-At-Home-Mom Even BE an Activist?

This is a question I ask myself often. How can I possibly make any sort of discernible difference in the world around me when I make my life as a stay-at-home-mom of two (hoping for three!)? Until recently, I was literally the primary source of food and comfort to my youngest who just weaned from breastfeeding. How could I carve out any significant time in my week to participate in volunteer work, political activism, or community organization when my children needed me on an elemental level? I could barely keep up with the recycling!

And yet, claiming that I was too busy to make an effort at alleviating the suffering of those around me or a dent in the rapid rate of environmental degradation just did not ring true. How could I be teaching my children the value of putting others' needs above our own if they never actually SAW me doing that?! If children learn by example, and if I opt to keep my kids home with me in order to be the primary influence in their lives, then it is wholly up to me to teach them (by example!) the value of a life of service and activism.

I intend this to be an accounting of the ways I lead my children through the experience of living as a social servant at home, in our local community and even globally, while still remaining a stay-at-HOME-mom; a "Playroom Activist" if you will.

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